Product Details


Volufiline Oil


Scientific name: Anemarrhena asphodeloides
Uses and benefits: Volufiline is derived from a combination of plant extracts, and it works to stimulate the development of fatty tissues. When applied directly to the body, volufiline works to increase fat in the area that it is applied. This provides permanent results rather than temporary swelling. In cosmetics, it is often used in body enhancement (breast, hip, butts and thighs) oils and creams, body plumping and anti-wrinkle creams and oils.
Other names: Anemarrhena, zhi mu

90 in stock




Scientific name: Anemarrhena asphodeloides
Uses and benefits: Volufiline is derived from a combination of plant extracts, and it works to stimulate the development of fatty tissues. When applied directly to the body, volufiline works to increase fat in the area that it is applied. This provides permanent results rather than temporary swelling. In cosmetics, it is often used in body enhancement (breast, hip, butts and thighs) oils and creams, body plumping and anti-wrinkle creams and oils.
Other names: Anemarrhena, zhi mu


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