Product Details

Gentian Root Powder 100g


Scientific name: Gentiana lutea
Uses and benefits: Gentian is used for digestion problems such as loss of appetite, fullness, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, and vomiting. It is also used for fever, hysteria, and high blood pressure. Some people use gentian to prevent muscle spasms, treat parasitic worms, start menstrual periods, and as a germ killer.
Other names: Bitter root, bitterwort, gall weed, geneciana, gentiana acaulis, gentiana kochiana, gentiana lutea, gentianae radix, gentiane, gentiane acaule, gentiane jaune, gentiane pâle, gentiane sans tige, gentiane sauvage, grande gentiane, pale gentian, racine amère, stemless gentian, yellow centiyane, yellow gentian

99 in stock




Scientific name: Gentiana lutea
Uses and benefits: Gentian is used for digestion problems such as loss of appetite, fullness, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, and vomiting. It is also used for fever, hysteria, and high blood pressure. Some people use gentian to prevent muscle spasms, treat parasitic worms, start menstrual periods, and as a germ killer.
Other names: Bitter root, bitterwort, gall weed, geneciana, gentiana acaulis, gentiana kochiana, gentiana lutea, gentianae radix, gentiane, gentiane acaule, gentiane jaune, gentiane pâle, gentiane sans tige, gentiane sauvage, grande gentiane, pale gentian, racine amère, stemless gentian, yellow centiyane, yellow gentian


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